damn this is really hard hitting!
damn this is really hard hitting!
Oh damn didn't know it was meant to be for Meltdown
It has the original vibe but also feels like a Supersoniker track, nice!
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it! <3
wow what a S.T.R.E.S.Sful song :o
feel indeed very dirty, I like it!
omg this is awesome! I love the justice inspiration :D
have you ever seen Daft Punk and Justice in the same room? 👀
cool I am
cool I am
cool I am
cool I am
awesome remix :D
the fact that you made this for a video shows dedication and passion! love it!
Thanks a lot! I find making BGM for videos a good way to improve my music and videos at the same time so why not :)
I dreamed about this song
I'm FireJojoBoy / FJB :3
I make games, art, music and am basically always creative!
Discord: "FireJojoBoy"
Age 19
Joined on 7/2/18